Contextual Media

Contextual Media Multimedia and Interpretation - Technical Communication, Multimedia, and Information Systems

Paperback (30 Sep 1997)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Contextual Media expands upon the theme of social construction of knowledge developed in Edward Barrett's three previous volumes. The thirteen contributions focus on specific applications of multimedia technology to cultural institutions such as museums, universities, and corporate environments; they analyze narrative and other navigational structures in various interactive multimedia systems and make recommendations for the design of future systems based on these analyses; and they present innovative uses of multimedia that break out of the confines of a single terminal to develop interactive transformational environments.

Colin Beardon, Walter Bender, Edward Brown, Mark H. Chignell, Glorianna Davenport, Ben Davis, Peter S. Donaldson, Larry Friedlander, Geri Gay, Ricki Goldman-Segall, Janet H. Murray, Patrick Purcell, Michael Roy, Niall Sweeney, Laura Teodosio, Suzette Worden

Book information

ISBN: 9780262522397
Publisher: The MIT Press
Imprint: The MIT Press
Pub date:
DEWEY: 303.4834
DEWEY edition: 22
Language: English
Number of pages: 262
Weight: 454g
Height: 229mm
Width: 152mm
Spine width: 18mm