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Octopus 2 - An Extreme Horror

Octopus 2 - An Extreme Horror

Hardback (11 Sep 2019)

  • $25.12
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Paperback (11 Sep 2019) $13.64

Publisher's Synopsis

Warning: This title contains graphic content of an adult nature. It has been 8 months since Max and Helena's ritual to awaken The Great Old One and, around the house, things have started to get ""insane"" as the re-birth edges ever closer. Helena has been kept in a secure room with walls lined of lead, to stop an unexpected madness creeping through to those who happen to pass her room. Max has been keeping himself busy with new, dark hobbies which were okayed by his loving and loyal wife when it was obvious he couldn't touch her until The Great Old One was out of her. As the two prepare for His awakening, they realise that no one will be immune to the ensuing insanity but, unlike the rest of the world, they're ready to make the ultimate sacrifice for Him to rise again and claim his rightful position as ""God"".

Book information

ISBN: 9780244217587
Publisher: Lulu Press
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 158
Weight: 390g
Height: 229mm
Width: 152mm
Spine width: 13mm