The Extraordinary Life of Mahatma Gandhi - Extraordinary Lives

Paperback (05 Sep 2019)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Mahatma Gandhi was:

A lawyer

An activist

An inspiration

From growing up in India and studying in London to becoming a political activist in South Africa and taking on the battle for independence in India, Mahatma Gandhi's legacy has lived on well beyond his years.

Read the life story of this brilliant, strong-willed and influential man in this beautifully illustrated book, complete with real-life stories, timelines and facts.

Explore other extraordinary lives:
The Extraordinary Life of Stephen Hawking
The Extraordinary Life of Michelle Obama
The Extraordinary Life of Katherine Johnson
The Extraordinary Life of Mary Seacole
The Extraordinary Life of Alan Turing
The Extraordinary Life of Serena Williams
The Extraordinary Life of Nelson Mandela

Book information

ISBN: 9780241375464
Publisher: Penguin Random House Children's UK
Imprint: Puffin
Pub date:
DEWEY: 954.035092
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Number of pages: 121
Weight: 116g
Height: 129mm
Width: 198mm
Spine width: 7mm