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The Hurricane Girls The Inspirational True Story of the Women Who Dared to Fly

Paperback (26 Jul 2018)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Celebrating the lives of the magnificent women, the ATA girls, who courageously flew Spitfires, Tiger Moths, Lancaster Bombers and many other aircraft during World War Two

Since the invention of aeroplanes, women have taken to the skies.

They have broken records, performed daredevil stunts and faced such sexism and prejudice that they were effectively barred from working as pilots.

That changed in the Second World War. Led by firebrand Pauline Gower, an elite group of British women were selected as ferry pilots to fly for the Air Transport Auxiliary. They risked their lives flying munitions and equipment for the boys on the front line.

Flying day and night without radio; dodging storms, barrage balloons and anti-aircraft fire; and with only a map, compass and their eyesight to guide them, they navigated the treacherous wartime skies.

The Hurricane Girls is the thrilling, moving and inspirational story of the female air force who once ruled our skies.

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Book information

ISBN: 9780241354636
Publisher: Penguin Books Ltd
Imprint: Penguin Books
Pub date:
DEWEY: 940.544941082
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Number of pages: 352
Weight: 258g
Height: 128mm
Width: 196mm
Spine width: 23mm