Publisher's Synopsis
"Digital Audio Operations" is intended as a practical handbook for those who work every day with digital audio, who would like to understand it better, or who need to get to grips with more complex topics such as synchronization. It is an ideal reference for those brought up in an analogue world and who are now "going digital". "Digital Audio Operations" is intended to help the reader understand how to use digital audio recording systems to the full, covering such topics as how to understand and minimize errors, how to achieve optimum sound quality, how to interconnect devices digitally, and how to PQ-edit CD masters. Key recording systems, both tape and disk-based, are compared and contrasted, and information is given on the principles of operation of these systems, coupled with practical advice on their use in a variety of operations situations. There is also a section on digital audio in broadcasting systems.;"Digital Audio Operations" introduces relevant theory when appropriate, contained in clearly-defined boxes, in order to accommodate readers at a wide range of technical levels. The text is written principally to serve professional audio engineers, students and operators working in music recording, broadcast and post-production, but should prove of value to anyone, amateur or professional, who wants to get to grips with the rapidly-expanding field of digital audio.