In Another Country

In Another Country British Popular Fiction and the Development of the English Novel in India

Paperback (24 May 2002)

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Publisher's Synopsis

In a work of stunning archival recovery and interpretive virtuosity, Priya Joshi illuminates the cultural work performed by two kinds of English novels in India during the colonial and postcolonial periods. Spanning the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, readers and writers, empire and nation, consumption and production, In Another Country vividly explores a process by which first readers and then writers of the English novel indigenized the once imperial form and put it to their own uses. Asking what nineteenth-century Indian readers chose to read and why, Joshi shows how these readers transformed the literary and cultural influences of empire. By subsequently analyzing the eventual rise of the English novel in India, she further demonstrates how Indian novelists, from Krupa Satthianadhan to Salman Rushdie, took an alien form in an alien language and used it to address local needs. Taken together in this manner, reading and writing reveal the complex ways in which culture is continually translated and transformed in a colonial and postcolonial context.

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Columbia University Press

Columbia University Press seeks to enhance Columbia University's educational and research mission by publishing outstanding original works by scholars and other intellectuals that contribute to an understanding of global human concerns. The Press also reflects the importance of its location in New York City in its publishing programs. Through book, reference, electronic publishing, and distribution services, the Press broadens the university's international reputation.

Book information

ISBN: 9780231125857
Publisher: Columbia University Press
Imprint: Columbia University Press
Pub date:
DEWEY: 823.809954
DEWEY edition: 21
Language: English
Number of pages: 368
Weight: 542g
Height: 226mm
Width: 160mm
Spine width: 21mm