
Macroeconomics A Neoclassical Introduction

Paperback (01 Oct 1986)

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Publisher's Synopsis

"Miller and Upton is by far the most cited macroeconomics text in front line academic research journals over the last ten years. It has become a contemporary classic."-Roger C. Kormendi, University of Michigan

"The most innovative approach to introducing macroeconomics that I have seen. . . . A 'classic' in the sense that every serious student of macroeconomics is likely to want it in his or her library."-John P. Gould, University of Chicago

"The task the authors set out to perform is ambitious: to write a macroeconomics textbook structured around a neoclassical growth model. And in this task they have succeeded."-Clifford W. Smith, Jr., Journal of Finance

"This is a superb book. As a vehicle for teaching economics I have to place it right behind Henderson and Quant (Microeconomics) and Dorfman, Samuelson, and Solow (Linear Programming). Moreover, it is an exciting book both to read and to think about. . . . It is not just that these authors have something to say, but their way of saying it is generally superior."-F. E. Banks, Kyklos

Book information

ISBN: 9780226526232
Publisher: University of Chicago Press
Imprint: The University of Chicago Press
Pub date:
DEWEY: 339
DEWEY edition: 19
Language: English
Number of pages: 367
Weight: 604g
Height: 155mm
Width: 230mm
Spine width: 32mm