History of Religious Ideas, Volume 2

History of Religious Ideas, Volume 2 From Gautama Buddha to the Triumph of Christianity

Paperback (01 Jan 1985)

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Publisher's Synopsis

In volume 2 of this monumental work, Mircea Eliade continues his magisterial progress through the history of religious ideas. The religions of ancient China, Brahmanism and Hinduism, Buddha and his contemporaries, Roman religion, Celtic and German religions, Judaism, the Hellenistic period, the Iranian syntheses, and the birth of Christianity-all are encompassed in this volume.

Book information

ISBN: 9780226204031
Publisher: University of Chicago Press
Imprint: The University of Chicago Press
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 580
Weight: 798g
Height: 152mm
Width: 231mm
Spine width: 33mm