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The Last Laird of Macnab; An Episode in the Settlement of Macnab Township, Upper Canada

The Last Laird of Macnab; An Episode in the Settlement of Macnab Township, Upper Canada

Paperback (23 Aug 2012)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Excerpt: ...more kept in constant alarm by threats of being sued by the McNab. In the case of John Campbell, located on N. E. half of 13 in the 7th con., by trade a blacksmith, came into the country at his own expense, refused to pay the Chief rent, or grant a mortgage on the lot. The Laird therefore, upon what authority I know not, seized his tools and kept them for a great number of years. In another case, an illegal document was shown me, purporting to be a Declaration by the McNab regarding some alleged debt, stated to have been an extortion annexed to which was a warrant signed by another magistrate of the name of Richey, for the purpose of arresting a sum of money in the hands of a third person; and I was informed that this illegal conduct was actually carried into effect. Another case it is particularly my duty to mention.

About the Publisher

Book information

ISBN: 9780217227070
Pub date:
Number of pages: 42
Weight: 158g
Height: 151mm
Width: 228mm
Spine width: 6mm