Publisher's Synopsis
This historic book may have numerous typos, missing text or index. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. 1890. Not illustrated. Excerpt: ... fresh letters and additional passages. Since the publication of tlie library edition of Keats's Works in 1883, there has been an American issue of Lord Houghton's edition of the poetry, together with a volume of letters, superintended by Mr. f. G. Speed, who, being a grandson of George Keats, has had access to some of the papers formerly preserved at Louisville in Kentucky, and has been enabled to publish one new letter of considerable interest as well as to give several passages omitted from previous printed versions of Keats's letters. Later, Professor Sidney Colvin contributed to the " English Men of Letters" series an admirable volume on Keats, which, though based in the main upon previous publications, had the advantage of somefresh material. Notably Mr. Colvin had complete access to Lord Houghton's papers and to some manuscript books of Keats's friend Richard Woodhouse; and such writings of Keats as have been preserved in these records, but not used in Mr. Colvin's volume, he has kindly communicated to me, --allowing me also to use the autographs of Letters L vl, lxx, lxxxivand lxxxvi, which have been placed in his care since his book came out. By means of the present Supplement I am adding to my edition all new material that is of consequence; and it is from the abovementioned sources that the greater part of this material is F drawn. The significance of the new passages will be much enhanced by reading this section with Volumes iii and iv at hand; and no difficulty will be found in connecting the compositions with tlie help of the indications given for that purpose in the ensuing pages. The following letter, which bears no post-mark, and was therefore probably sent by hand to Re...