Publisher's Synopsis
An exploration of the art and architecture influenced and inspired by biblical stories and Christian history and beliefs. Richly illustrated, the "Companion" combines general essays on the periods and styles important in the history of Christian art with hundreds of shorter entries that describe specific works, artists, themes, and visual images, and which give the reader practical guidance on where in Europe to locate the works described. Included in the Companion are: detailed essays on periods and styles in art and architecture; styles including early Christian, Byzantine, Carolingian, Ottonian, Romanesque, Anglo-Saxon, Irish, Gothic, Renaissance, Baroque; a general background to the Old and New Testaments, and to Christian tradition and beliefs; the stories of Adam & Eve, Abraham, Moses, the Exodus, the major Old Testament prophets; the Annunciation; Life of Christ, the Passion; the Assumption; and the mission of the Apostles; major martyrs and saints; religious Orders and their founders; parables; forms of art influenced by Christianity; church plans, illuminated manuscripts, mosaics, frescoes, tombs, stained glass, sculpture; and artists and architects and their works.