"Reading" Greek Culture

"Reading" Greek Culture Texts and Images, Rituals and Myths

Book (31 Dec 1991)

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Publisher's Synopsis

This book discusses the problems involved in attempts to make sense of ancient Greek society, in particular its texts and images, rituals and myths. The collection of seven previously published papers is prefaced by an introduction which explains the methodological approach common to each. This approach draws on a variety of disciplines such as social anthropology and social history, the psychology of perception, semiology, cognitive studies, and literary theory, and such wide foundations ensure its relevance in the "reading" of other societies to which we have limited access, and of their cultural artefacts.;Each of the essays has been revised and updated for this collection, and explores not only a particular question concerning Greek religion and mythology, but also some distinctive aspects of approach. Together these unearth fundamental questions such as the nature of Greek polytheism and the distinction between myth and history.

Book information

ISBN: 9780198147503
Publisher: Clarendon
Imprint: Clarendon
Pub date:
DEWEY: 938
DEWEY edition: 20
Weight: 566g
Height: 228mm
Width: 146mm
Spine width: 25mm