Publisher's Synopsis
Written in the clear and cogent style that is the author's hallmark, this book for biology students covers a broad range of topics in evolutionary biology. The text is divided into three parts of four chapters each. Part 1 sets the historical, physical and chemical framework for the origin of life, and provides in-depth coverage of the evolution of the genome, metabolic pathways, the genetic code, and cellular organization in primeval life and its descendants. Part II concentrates on genetic processes underlying the diversity of gene organization, function and expression; adaptation and neutral evolution; gene frequency changes in populations; and tempos and modes of speciation. Part III emphasizes patterns and trends in evolution as deduced from morphological and molecular phylogenetic analysis and from geological and paleontological studies. The final two chapters exemplify major evolutionary concepts and approaches as seen in the evolution of the human family from its ancestral vertebrate beginnings to Homo sapiens. The clarity of discussion is enhanced by tables and illustrations, many from the original research literature. Extensive references and reading lists as well as summaries accompany each chapter, providing students with the opportunity to explore further the ongoing challenge of the evolutionary biology of past and present life on earth.