The Moon. V. 1 Physics, Geology and Evolution

The Moon. V. 1 Physics, Geology and Evolution - Ellis Horwood Library of Space Science & Space Technology.

Hardback (31 Aug 1993)

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Publisher's Synopsis

This is a detailed analysis of the moon, covering lunar petrology, geology and geography, physical properties, characteristics and evolution. Beginning with a description of the moon's orbit and its relationship to the sun and other bodies in our solar system, the text examines the lunar environment, including the magnetic field, radiation, the magnetosphere and solar winds. A survey of lunar crater types details their physical features. The geomorphology, chemistry of surface features and the structure of the moon's interior are also explored. The author also examines the history of the theories of lunar origin, such as current accretion, ejection and capture models.

Book information

ISBN: 9780136016182
Publisher: Ellis Horwood
Imprint: Ellis Horwood
Pub date:
DEWEY: 523.3
Number of pages: 288
Weight: -1g