Publisher's Synopsis
Appropriate for all courses in Microsoft Visual C++ .NET for students with previous programming experience.
Visual C++ .NET: A Managed Code Approach for Experienced Programmers is the first Visual C++ .NET book for experienced programming students that utilizes the DEITEL LIVE-CODET teaching approach proven with 1,000,000+ developers. This book teaches Visual C++ .NET techniques through 200+ complete programs, each with screen shots showing output-as well as hundreds of real-world tips on quality software engineering, avoiding and eliminating errors, and improving performance, portability, and usability. Written for programmers with a background in C, C++ or other high level languages who want to learn Visual C++.NET through the intermediate level. This book focuses on techniques for working with Visual C++ .NET in .NET's "managed code environment" -- and for building powerful Windows applications, Web applications, and Web services. Coverage includes: C++ .NET objects, operator overloading, inheritance, polymorphism, ASP.NET, Web Forms, Web Controls, Windows Forms GUIs, ADO.NET database integration, XML processing, exception handling, multithreading, files/streams, networking, and more. The book also contains a concise 80-page .NET introduction for experienced programming students who are new to the .NET platform.