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Ozonation and Biodegradation in Environmental Engineering

Ozonation and Biodegradation in Environmental Engineering Dynamic Neural Network Approach

Paperback (11 Nov 2018)

  • $180.81
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Publisher's Synopsis

Ozonation and Biodegradation in Environmental Engineering: Dynamic Neural Network Approach gives a unified point-of-view on the application of DNN to estimate and control the application of ozonation and biodegradation in chemical and environmental engineering. This book deals with modelling and control design of chemical processes oriented to environmental and chemical engineering problems. Elimination in liquid, solid and gaseous phases are all covered, along with processes of laboratory scale that are evaluated with software sensors and controllers based on DNN technique, including the removal of contaminants in residual water, remediation of contaminated soil, purification of contaminated air, and more.

The book also explores combined treatments using both ozonation and biodegradation to test the sensor and controller.

Book information

ISBN: 9780128128473
Publisher: Elsevier Science
Imprint: Elsevier
Pub date:
DEWEY: 628
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Number of pages: 548
Weight: 1130g
Height: 235mm
Width: 191mm
Spine width: 28mm