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Administering Sap

Administering Sap

Paperback (28 Feb 1998)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Helping to expose and explain the overall complexities of the SAP R/3 systems, this work focuses mostly on the technical aspects of the R/3 application - architecture, programming, implementation and new trends. After an overview of the fundamental modules, customization, parametization and the reference model, complete coverage is given to the cross-applications modules, such as SAP Business, Workflow, EDI and ArchiveLink. Most of the book is based on version 2.2 of SAP R/3, but all chapters mention and explain the new features of version 3.0 and an entire chapter on this version is included.

Book information

ISBN: 9780120442454
Publisher: Morgan Kaufmann Publishing,.
Imprint: Morgan Kaufmann Publishing,.
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 500
Weight: 1000g
Height: 234mm
Width: 186mm