Publisher's Synopsis
This monthly guide to the state of the labour market contains statistics and analysis of the latest trends in employment, unemployment, earnings, claimant count, government employment, hours, labour disputes and training. It gives the latest results from national surveys, plus the most significant findings from the government's labour market research programme.
This issue includes coverage of:
the launch of an annual booklet on trade union membership; advancing women in the workplace; difficulties in recruiting and retaining staff; an analysis of the impact of the latest round of bonus payments and their timing on earnings growth, by David Freeman, Employment and Productivity Division, Office for National Statistics; An introduction to the demand for labour in the UK, illustrated with date from two regions, by Richard D Williams, Labour Market Division, Office for National Statistics; The latest results re. local area jobs densities 2002 including parliamentary constituencies and Travel-to-work Areas, with revisions to past data, by David Hastings, Labour Market Division, Office for National Statistics.