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The Four Man Plan A Romantic Science

Paperback (08 Jan 2009)

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Paperback (07 Sep 2007) $14.91

Publisher's Synopsis

Are you fabulous and very, very single?
Do you secretly suspect that you suck at love?

Author Cindy Lu knew for a long time that she was hopeless at relationships. For years she dated one wrong man after the next until, fed up with her lack of success, she decided to employ her maths skills in her search for the right man. The result was The Four Man Plan, a brilliant system for finding love that combines the certainties of maths and human behaviour to create a sure-fire formula for finding Mr Right. The secret? Always be dating four men at any given time.

Cindy's step-by-step process takes the guesswork and heartache out of dating and lets men compete for your affections while you enjoy the ride. Based on a carefully developed system of practices such as 'The Disney Theorem' and 'The Wait For Sex Index', The Four Man Plan is guaranteed to deliver the ultimate prize.

About the Publisher


Covering the areas of personal development, health, diet, relationships, psychology and parenting, Vermilion's titles combine cutting-edge research with reassuring, straight forward strategies to motivate, instruct and comfort. With authoritative, practical and inspirational advice from respected authors such as Oliver James, Tim Ferris, Gina Ford, Dr Atkins, Edward de Bono, Dr Phil McGraw, Lynda Field and Judi James, Vermilion books really change lives.

Book information

ISBN: 9780091924324
Publisher: Ebury Publishing
Imprint: Vermilion
Pub date:
DEWEY: 646.77
DEWEY edition: 22
Language: English
Number of pages: 211
Weight: 170g
Height: 199mm
Width: 127mm
Spine width: 15mm