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Excel 3 for the Macintosh Made Easy

Excel 3 for the Macintosh Made Easy

Paperback (31 May 1991)

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Publisher's Synopsis

This book teaches the basics of creating spreadsheets with the help of examples that can be customized for individual uses. The first section deals with getting started and using worksheets. The latter part covers macros, functions, and data exchange. Advanced features such as saving and environment with file workspace, controlling calculation, using arrays, resolving circular references with iteration, and freezing window panes are also discussed.

Book information

ISBN: 9780078817243
Publisher: Osborne McGraw-Hill
Imprint: Osborne McGraw-Hill
Pub date:
DEWEY: 005.369
DEWEY edition: 20
Language: English
Number of pages: 389
Weight: -1g