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Law for Business

Law for Business

7th Edition

Hardback (16 Aug 1999)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Barnes, et al. is designed to meet the needs of a two-term business law course. It is very comprehensive allowing instructors to have all the material they may need to teach their course. The cases, which have always been a strong feature, are edited and re-written by the authors, who divide the material into three categories: facts, issues, decisions. The authors choose cases that are appropriate to explain precedent and history as well as include "hot topic" cases that relate to current events. In addition to case applications, the authors use such techniques as content summaries to apply concepts to practice. Effective managers and employees must develop knowledge of both law and business because people involved in business also are involved in, and greatly affected by, the laws concerning business.

Book information

ISBN: 9780073659176
Publisher: McGraw-Hill Education
Imprint: McGraw-Hill
Pub date:
Edition: 7th Edition
DEWEY: 346.7307
DEWEY edition: 21
Number of pages: 1167
Weight: 2313g
Height: 257mm
Width: 209mm
Spine width: 41mm