Pete Culler on Wooden Boats

Pete Culler on Wooden Boats The Master Craftsman's Collected Teachings on Boat Design, Building, Repair, and Use

Paperback (16 Nov 2007)

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Publisher's Synopsis

The insights and wisdom of the late, greatboat designer and builder

Renowned as one of the last and best of the old-timeboatbuilders, Captain R. D."Pete" Cullerprovided a guiding light for the wooden boat revival inthe 1970s. His designs are classic melds of eleganceand utility; his workmanship was akin to artistry; andhis teaching and writing a blend of clarity, good sense,insight, and humor. This book brings together the completetexts of Culler's classic works Boats, Oars, andRowing and Skiffs & Schooners, along with articles fromThe Mariner's Catalogs and a selection of his timelessboat designs.

Book information

ISBN: 9780071489799
Publisher: McGraw-Hill Education
Imprint: International Marine Publishing Company
Pub date:
DEWEY: 623.8184
DEWEY edition: 22
Language: English
Number of pages: 386
Weight: 1026g
Height: 275mm
Width: 217mm
Spine width: 16mm