Publisher's Synopsis
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One-stop weather database
A valuable weather data resource for engineers and project managers, Michael Kjelgaard's Engineering Weather Data is loaded with data you'll find essential for designing buildings and HVAC systems in cities with different climates. You get table after table of important weather statistics, organized by city for easy look-up, including tables of weather data for cities throughout the US -- plus 355 cities in Canada and Mexico, and 100 cities throughout the rest of the world. Material is derived mostly from the National Weather Service (NWS), the National Renewable Energy Lab (NREL), and ASHRAE, and includes notes and methodologies for:
*ASHRAE Design Conditions
*Ventilation Heating and Cooling
*Humidification Systems
* Bin Data
*Degree Day Data
*Economizer System Savings
*Air to Air Heat Recovery
*Engineering Weather Data