Statistical Methods for Criminology and Criminal Justice

Statistical Methods for Criminology and Criminal Justice

Book (30 Sep 1996)

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Publisher's Synopsis

This book is appropriate for introductory and intermediate criminology and CJ statistics classes. It is the only statistics book on the market that specifically focusses on statistics in criminology and criminal justice. The authors have made the text accessible to students through their exceptional writing style and by: using CJ/criminology data, material relevant and interesting to students, to illustrate statistical procedures and operations; breaking down complex statistical formulas into easy to understand steps; describing the major rules of probability very simply with clear examples and illustrations; including a detailed glossary of key statistical terms; and providing a detailed review of basic mathematics in an appendix.

Book information

ISBN: 9780070030008
Publisher: McGraw-Hill
Imprint: McGraw-Hill
Pub date:
DEWEY: 364.015195
DEWEY edition: 20
Number of pages: 704
Weight: -1g