Publisher's Synopsis
"In this groundbreaking masterpiece of ingenuity and intrigue that spans 50,000 years of human history, New York Times bestselling author James Rollins takes us to mankind's next great leap. But will it mark a new chapter in our development. or our extinction? A war is coming, a battle that will stretch from the prehistoric forests of the ancient past to the cutting-edge research labs of today. In the remote mountains of Croatia, an archaeologist makes a strange discovery: a subterranean Catholic chapel, hidden for centuries, holds the bones of a Neanderthal woman. In the same cavern system, elaborate primitive paintings tell the story of an immense battle between tribes of Neanderthals and monstrous shadowy figures. Who is this mysterious enemy depicted in these ancient drawings, and what do the paintings mean? Before any questions can be answered, the investigative team is attacked, while at the same time, a bloody assault is made up