Connecting Math Concepts Level F, Workbook

Connecting Math Concepts Level F, Workbook

2nd edition

Paperback (16 Jan 2012)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Connecting Math Concepts: Comprehensive Edition works as a core program or as a Tier 3 intervention for at-risk students. Facts, procedures, conceptual understanding, applications, and problem solving skills are combined in this program to provide a comprehensive curriculum for students. The Student eBook and Textbook includes teacher and student-guided exercises online The Student Workbook contains mastery tests and twopractice tests.

Book information

ISBN: 9780021036387
Publisher: McGraw-Hill Education
Imprint: McGraw Hill
Pub date:
Edition: 2nd edition
Language: English
Weight: 384g
Height: 278mm
Width: 216mm
Spine width: 14mm