Publisher's Synopsis
Little Wolf's Book of Badness and Little Wolf's Diary of Daring Deeds in one satisfying volume…
Little Wolf's Book of Badness is the first Little Wolf title in which Little Wolf is sent away to Uncle Bigbad's Cunning College to learn the nine rules of badness and get his badness badge. But Little finds that the ninth rule, NEVER TRUST A BIG BAD WOLF means that he will never get the badge. However, Uncle Bigbad is mean and greedy and he explodes from eating too many bakef beans. So Uncle snuffs it and dies. Little sniffs it and, phew, buries Uncle and finds his gold AROOOOOOOO!
Little Wolf's Diary of Daring Deeds sees Little and his cuz and best friend Yeller spending Uncles money on the best adventure school ever. The only problem is Little's brother Smellybreff, who gets cubnapped. Adventures and daring deeds ensue, making this a howlingly successful sequel to Little Wolf's Book of Badness.