Publisher's Synopsis
How can a woman tell if her man is on "the down low," (i.e., sleeping with both sexes)? It's not always that easy! There are people on "the down low" everywhere. Most of the time you can never tell who is who; and you may never find out what person is creeping around on "the down low." It doesn't matter where you live. Or where you work.
Or what race one belongs to. It could be that "upstanding" person in your community. It could be that person taking your order in the restaurant. Or that person taking your ticket on the train. After hearing the question over and over, Keith Green, in his new book, has come up with seventy-five ways to tell"if your man is on the down low."
For instance: Your man may be on the down low if he only wants to engage in sex when you ask for it. If he needs to watch a porn movie to get in the mood to have sex with you. If he claims he hangs out at a gay bar because they serve "great drinks." If he tells you that he has had sex with another man only once "just to try it out." If you find a gay porn movie in his possession and he says he "is holding it for a friend." Keith Green's 75 Ways to Tell If Your Man Is on the Down Low will help women open their eyes and see the light when it comes to some hard truths about the person they think they know so well-and so intimately.