7 Steps to Turn Your Darkness Into Light: God's Plan for Addictions, Jails, and Other Dark Places

7 Steps to Turn Your Darkness Into Light: God's Plan for Addictions, Jails, and Other Dark Places

Paperback (02 Jan 2020)

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Publisher's Synopsis

This book is written by a chaplain who speaks to groups of men and women in jails and drug rehabilitation centers, and who meets individually with inmates, addicts, and those caught up in the darkness of depression, anxiety, excessive worrying, and destructive behaviors.

Being addicted to alcohol or drugs results in darkness...as does a life of excessive worrying, depression, anxiety, or destructive behaviors. You've tried to overcome the darkness on your own, but it hasn't worked. This book shows you seven steps to let the light of Jesus Christ penetrate your darkness and turn your life from night into day.

Darkness and light fight over every square inch of mental and physical territory on this earth. The darkness originates from the fallen world, led by the prince of darkness. The light proceeds from the Kingdom of God, ruled by Jesus Christ, the true light. Make no mistake! Everything in your life hinges on whether you align yourself with the darkness or the light.

The men and women in this book are all real people with real problems, impacted by Jesus Christ, who died on the cross for their sins 20 centuries ago. I have personally interacted with all of them over extended periods of times. I have changed their names and enough of the details so only they would be able to recognize themselves.

Book information

ISBN: 9780998201474
Publisher: Pyramid Publishers
Imprint: Pyramid Publishers
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 114
Weight: 178g
Height: 102mm
Width: 229mm
Spine width: 7mm