Publisher's Synopsis
This special re-print edition of H. Cecil Sheppard's book "$4,223.00 In One Year On a Town Lot From Poultry: How To Make Money From Laying Hens" is a basic guide to raising chickens for eggs on a small lot in the city, suburbs or on a small farm. Written in 1912, this classic text on poultry contains the basics of raising laying hens for eggs, with a special emphasis on how the author made a tidy living from a small city lot doing so. At the time, Mr. Sheppard was offered a considerable amount of money by various parties to disclose his "secrets of success" in the poultry business, but he chose instead to share it with people everywhere. In this short guide, Sheppard tells how he started in the egg business with only a meager investment and less than ideal amount of space and turned his laying hens into a very viable business. Chapters include The Road To Success, Incubators and Brooders, Care of Chicks, Poultry Houses, Pleasure and Profit, What To Do Each Month Of The Year, Mating Stock, Anacona Chickens and more. Though written over a century ago, Mr. Sheppard's methods remain sound, are mostly good old fashioned common sense to make the most of what you have and will be of great interest to those who wish to make a flock of laying hens earn their keep. Note: This edition is a perfect facsimile of the original edition and is not set in a modern typeface. As a result, some type characters and images might suffer from slight imperfections or minor shadows in the page background.