Publisher's Synopsis
There is nothing more disappointing than to bite into a shiny red apple only to find that the inside is rotted to the core. The polished exterior is deceptive, and while that is the initial attraction, alone, it is not enough. We women are the same way. We polish and shine the outside, and often neglect the core. Those days are over. Breaking chains, thinking clearly and smiling frequently are just a few markings of the fabulous woman. 40 & Fabulous is a woman's guide to self-examination, self-affirmation, and self-love. Dr. Yvette shifts the focus of women over forty from a steady gaze into the past to being fully present in the here and now. Her dynamic book guides women through 40 ways to living their best days now by answering the call to: Dust yourself off, Unclog your intake valve, Care for your hair, Give something up, Hang up your superwoman cape, and much more! 40 & Fabulous is a book for women 40 and above (even the far, far above) who are ready to live life to its fullest and richest -from the inside out --with absolutely no regrets.