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3 Hour Tour

3 Hour Tour - Dee Sanders

Paperback (12 Aug 2020)

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Hardback (12 Aug 2020) $33.05

Publisher's Synopsis

On a desert island, stranded, and lost...

...friendship is the first thing to go.

But can Dee survive without it?

He just wanted a nice vacation, but the cruise Dee Sanders and his friends took turns into a disaster. Now, after a rogue wave and a harrowing night, they're on a beach with few options.

Will a power struggle threaten their chance for rescue?

The island isn't just sunshine, coconuts, and palm trees. It holds secrets and dangers, but the biggest peril may come from within their group.

Can they stick together? Will Dee be a loner or a leader?

How will they get off the island?

You'll love this fast-paced, humorous, suspense-filled Island adventure-thriller, because of the twists, turns, personal struggles, and triumphs. 3 Hour Tour is where Gilligan's Island meets Lord of the Flies with a touch of Treasure Island thrown in!

Book information

ISBN: 9781735508405
Publisher: Sky Blue Stories
Imprint: Sky Blue Stories
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 380
Weight: 431g
Height: 203mm
Width: 133mm
Spine width: 22mm