Publisher's Synopsis
Three Air Force documents provide unique information about USAF operations of this aircraft. B-1 Operations Procedures - This volume establishes effective and safe operations of the B-1 and implements Air Force Policy Directive (AFPD) 11-2, Aircraft Rules and Procedures; AFPD 11-4, Aviation Service; and Air Force Instruction (AFI) 11-202, Volume 3, General Flight Rules. It applies to all B-1 units. Chapter 1 * INTRODUCTION * 1.1. References, Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Terms * 1.2. Aircrew Responsibility * 1.3. Deviations * 1.4. Waivers * 1.5. Instruction Changes * 1.6. Supplements * Chapter 2 * MISSION PLANNING * 2.1. Flight Manuals * 2.2. Local Aircrew Aids * 2.3. Mission Planning Responsibility * 2.4. General Procedures * 2.5. Fuel Planning * 2.6. Briefing/Debriefing * 2.7. Chart Preparation * 2.8. Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, High-Yield Explosive (CBRNE) * Chapter 3 * NORMAL OPERATING PROCEDURES * 3.1. Air Refueling * 3.2. Low Altitude Training * 3.3. Night Vision Goggle (NVG) Procedures * 3.4. Formation * Chapter 4 * INSTRUMENT PROCEDURES * 4.1. Approach Category * 4.2. Navigation * 4.3. Simulated Instrument Flight * 4.4. Airborne Instrument Landing Approach (AILA) * Chapter 5 * AIR EXPENDABLE EMPLOYMENT * 5.1. Responsibilities * 5.2. Flare Procedures * Chapter 6 * AIR TO SURFACE WEAPONS EMPLOYMENT * 6.1. References * 6.2. Planning Guidance * 6.3. In-flight Procedures * 6.4. Hung Weapons * 6.5. Simulated Weapons Attacks Following Actual Weapon Releases * Chapter 7 * AIRCREW AND AIRCRAFT OPERATIONAL LIMITS AND RESTRICTIONS * 7.1. Scope * 7.2. New/Modified Aircraft Equipment/Weapons * 7.3. Crew Restrictions * 7.4. Unusual Attitudes Recovery * 7.5. Flight Characteristics * 7.6. Fuel Minimums * 7.7. Formation * 7.8. Lost Wingman Procedures * 7.9. Air Refueling Limitations and Restrictions * 7.10. Low Altitude Limitations * 7.11. Radar Restrictions * 7.12. NVG Restrictions * 7.13. Takeoff and Landing Limitations * 7.14. Navigation Equipment * 7.15. Emergency Limitations * 7.16. Aircrew and Aircraft Limitations * 7.17. Weapon Employment Restrictions * 7.18. Publications * Chapter 8 * LOCAL OPERATING PROCEDURES * 8.1. General * 8.2. Local Operating Guidance * 8.3. Recommended Guidance * 8.4. Coordination * 8.5. Forms Adopted * Attachment 1 * GLOSSARY OF REFERENCES AND SUPPORTING INFORMATION * Attachment 2 * STANDARD PREBRIEF GUIDE * Attachment 3 * GENERAL BRIEFING (ADMINISTRATIVE) GUIDE * Attachment 4 * SURFACE ATTACK BRIEFING GUIDE * Attachment 5 * CLOSE AIR SUPPORT / TIME SENSITIVE TARGETTING / ARMED RECONNAISSANCE BRIEFING GUIDE * Attachment 6 * DACT / INTERCEPT BRIEFING GUIDE * Attachment 7 * PASSENGER BRIEFING GUIDE * Attachment 8 * STANDARD DEBRIEF GUIDE * Attachment 9 * CHEMICAL, BIOLOGICAL, RADIOLOGICAL, NUCLEAR, AND HIGH YIELD EXPLOSIVE (CBRNE) OPERATIONS * Attachment 10 * STRANGE FIELD FAMILIARIZATION * Attachment 11 * TRAFFIC PATTERN AND LANDING LIMITATIONS AND RESTRICTIONS B-1 Aircrew Evaluation Criteria - Chapter 1 * GENERAL INFORMATION * 1.1. General * 1.2. Waivers * 1.3. Procedures * 1.4. Grading Instructions * 1.5. Emergency Procedures Evaluation * 1.6. Documentation of Weapons Employment Results * 1.7. Examinations * 1.8. Instructor Evaluations * 1.9. Records Disposition * Chapter 2 * EVALUATION REQUIREMENTS * 2.1. General * 2.2. Instrument/Qualification Evaluations * 2.3. Mission Evaluation * 2.4. Offensive Systems Officer (OSO)/Defensive Systems Officer (DSO) only * 2.5. Instructor Evaluation * Chapter 3 * EVALUATION CRITERIA * 3.1. General Grading Standards * 3.2. General * 3.3. Instrument * 3.4. Tactical Employment * Chapter 4 * EMERGENCY PROCEDURES EVALUATION CRITERIA * 4.1. General Grading Standards B-1 Aircrew Training - CHAPTER 1 * GENERAL GUIDANCE * 1.1. Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Terms * 1.2. Responsibilities * 1.3. Processing Changes * 1.4. Training * 1.5. Training Concepts and Policies * 1.6. Experienced (EXP) Aircrew Requirements