Publisher's Synopsis
Complete coverage of Medicare billing rules and APC payment rates "Which of our respiratory therapy services are packaged into a single comprehensive, or significant, service?" "Are we coding and billing correctly for pulmonary function testing?" "How do our procedures map to the most current APC payment rates?" For reliable answers to these and many other questions related to RT/PFT services, we present the MedLearn Publishing 2014 RT/Pulmonary Function Coding & Billing Suite. It contains two of our most trusted books: 2014 Coding Essentials for Respiratory Therapy/Pulmonary Function * 2014 CPTr coding and OPPS reimbursement changes specific to RT and pulmonary function studies * Which previously payable services will now be packaged into a single comprehensive, or significant service, eligible for only one payment * Billing rules for the RT services provided by respiratory therapists vs. nursing personnel, including the allocation of charges to the appropriate cost centers * How to avoid common mistakes, such as the unbundling of codes and incorrectly billing for routine monitoring, oxygen, and services not specifically ordered by a physician * Step-by-step guidance through CPT/HCPCS code usage and format, modifiers, and chargemaster review methods * Overview of Medicare medical necessity coverage policies and frequency limitations, including local and national coverage determinations * New ICD-10-CM/PCS information, helping you prepare for the mandatory implementation on October 1, 2014 * 2014 APC payment rates and guidelines from the Medicare Hospital Manual 2014 Medicare Payment Guide for RT/Cardiopulmonary Services * Crucial points from the Medicare outpatient payment final rule for 2014, including reimbursement for pulmonary rehabilitation and packaged payments * How typical procedures map to APCs and to the current reimbursement * Respiratory therapy CPT codes, including the latest codes for chest wall manipulation, ventilation