Publisher's Synopsis
The most extensive collection of Christian prayers available is now in paperback. Tracing two thousand years of Christian spirituality, it contains prayers from every era, every continent and every tradition. This extraordinary anthology provides a compelling and comprehensive portrait of the ways in which men and women have expressed their longing for God through the centuries. Arranged chronologically, 2000 Years of Prayer covers every significant era of Christian experience: prayers from the early church in East and West, the Coptic Church, Celtic traditions, medieval and monastic spirituality, Italian spiritual writers, Teutonic mysticism, the Protestant Reformation, English Roman Catholics, the Puritans, Pietist, Pentecostal and Charismatic movements, and much more. A brief introduction to each chapter outlines the defining spiritual characteristics of the age and traces the development of our understanding of prayer. Biographies of authors whose prayers are included, as well as an index of authors, themes, and subjects, are included.