Publisher's Synopsis
Winston Smith is a low-positioning member of the ruling Party in London, in the country of Oceania. Wherever Winston goes, even in his own home, the Party watches him through telescreens; wherever he looks he sees the substance of the Party's all-knowing pioneer, a figure referred to just as Big Brother. The Party controls everything in Oceania, even individuals' set of experiences and language. The Party introduces some set of new rules which tend to banish the individuality of all the citizens residing. In any event, thinking defiant contemplations is unlawful. Such thoughtcrime is, truth be told, the most noticeably terrible of all violations.
As the novel opens, Winston feels disappointed by the persecution and unbending control of the Party, which forbids free idea, sex, and any outflow of uniqueness. Winston hates the gathering and has wrongfully bought a journal in which to compose his criminal musings.