Publisher's Synopsis
Winner of the 2014 Christian Small Publisher Association of the Year Award in the Gift Book Category. When Wilma Caraway read Obadiah 1:15, she said, "Wow! That is the same as the saying, 'What goes around comes around.'" She searched her Bible and found other verses relating to everyday sayings, and this book is the result of those findings. Sayings are used daily in conversations, songs, comic strips, on buttons, billboards, and television programs, etc. Some of the most common sayings, such as "History repeats itself" and "There is a time for everything," have their roots in Holy Scripture. These sayings and their supporting Bible verses will surprise and entertain you. However, Wilma's primary purpose in this compilation is to glorify God by promoting the study of Scripture in order to foster a greater appreciation of its profound wisdom. The book can serve as: (1) a tool to make memorizing Scripture verses fun, (2) a fellowship activity matching sayings with Scriptures, and (3) a motivator for reading the Bible and looking for more matches. Wilma's prayer is that you are blessed as you read 101 Surprises! Sayings with Scriptures You Didn't See Coming. Consider these samples: Flattery will get you nowhere. Whoever flatters his neighbor is spreading a net for his feet. Proverbs 29:5 Don't wear out your welcome. Seldom set foot in your neighbor's house- too much of you, and he will hate you. Proverbs 25:17 By the skin of my teeth. I have escaped with only the skin of my teeth. Job 19:20 Don't worry. Be happy. "Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?" Luke 12:25 However, my primary purpose in this compilation is to glorify God by promoting the study of Scripture in order to foster a greater appreciation of its profound wisdom.