100 Facts About Pandas

100 Facts About Pandas

Hardback (01 Oct 2009)

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Publisher's Synopsis

100 FACTS ABOUT PANDAS, chronicles for the very first time the amazing social, cultural and natural history of the panda.

Startling panda facts, including:

That the otherwise slow moving Panda can outrun a cheetah when moving backwards
That panda fur, when woven into a fabric, is bulletproof
Eleanor, the drumming panda, briefly replaced Ringo Starr in The Beatles
Pandas were frequently used as background extras in classic black and white films
That all panda cubs or 'cubinetts' as they are called, are born female and will only turn male if given a fright in their first 48 hours

Your knowledge of Pandas is about to get 100 Facts more knowledgeable

About the Publisher

Square Peg

Square Peg is an eclectic and commercial nonfiction hardback list, within the prestigious Vintage Division of Random House. We publish around 20 titles per year. Our select list of titles are cherry-picked on the basis of editorial passion. We place huge emphasis on stand-out design. We publish a thriving cookery list, which spans the latest street-food entrepreneurs like BanhMi11 and the Meringue Girls to iconic writers like Claudia Roden and Anna del Conte. Our cookery stable also includes Stevie Parle, Smitten Kitchen, The Primrose Bakery and Peyton & Byrne.

Book information

ISBN: 9780224086325
Publisher: Random House
Imprint: Square Peg
Pub date:
DEWEY: 828.9207
DEWEY edition: 22
Weight: 300g
Height: 195mm
Width: 223mm
Spine width: 17mm