Publisher's Synopsis
A 20-year veteran of change in corporate America, Peter Garber draws on his experience as a human resources professional and international consultant to help managers and leaders to anticipate and plan for the inevitable waves of change in their organizations.;This text offers a wealth of new discoveries about how to build operational and personnel systems around the ten natural forces that are already a part of every organization: survival; change; communication; mission, equity; performance; discovery; diversity; growth; and renewal. Although each is powerful in its own right, the ten forces combined can create extraordinary results that are critical to the survival of organizations. Garger also includes sample dialogue to demonstrate varied approaches to workplace issues, specific advice on how to become a change agent, the six levels of effective communication and the 12-step path to becoming a true visionary.;With a valuable reference chart at the end of every chapter, which details specific programmes and action steps for managing or influencing the effect of each natural force on employees and organizations, this text shows how to cut through misunderstandings, toxic relationships and workplace conflict to get to the root of the problem at hand.