
幸福與生命 真實幸福的生命之路

Traditional Chinese ed.

Paperback (07 Apr 2021) | Chinese

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Publisher's Synopsis

我們每個人都追求並渴望幸福。但是當我們被問到 您幸福嗎? 腦海中浮現的那點點滴滴美好的、開心的和滿足的回憶,瞬間被人生中痛苦的掙扎,工作中的壓力,生活中的重擔,與朋友之間的矛盾,與家人的爭執所攪擾,回答"是" 或"否" 常常感到躊躇猶豫。為什麼呢?為什麼我們對幸福感到不確定?為什麼伴隨著追求幸福,我們的生命中常是痛苦和掙扎?是我們的生命出了問題嗎?本書首先從中文"幸福"兩字和希臘文" eudaimonia"的詞源探討幸福的真實涵義,從而引入對生命和生命本质的思考, 對愛和真實的愛的探討,力求用科學和理性的方法尋求上面問題的答案,引出通向人生真正幸福的生命之路。

Everyone pursues and longs for happiness. But when we are asked: Are you happy? The bits and pieces of beautiful, happy, and satisfying memories that emerge in your mind are instantly grappling with pains in life, stresses at work, burdens in living, conflicts with friends, disputes with loving ones. The answer "yes" or "no" is often hesitant. Why? Why are we uncertain about happiness? Why is there so much suffering and struggle in our lives along with the pursuit of happiness? Is there something wrong with our lives? This book first explores the true meaning of happiness from the etymology of the Chinese word "幸福" and Greek "eudaimonia", introducing thinking about life and the essence of life, exploring love and true love, and trying to find answers to the above questions scientifically and rationally, and leading to the way of life that directs to the authentic happiness.

Book information

ISBN: 9781735914015
Publisher: Joseph Huang
Imprint: Joseph Huang
Pub date:
Edition: Traditional Chinese ed.
Language: Chinese
Number of pages: 234
Weight: 286g
Height: 210mm
Width: 148mm
Spine width: 12mm