ធ្មេញដ៏អស្ចារ្យ: Khmer Edition of "Terrific Teeth"

ធ្មេញដ៏អស្ចារ្យ: Khmer Edition of "Terrific Teeth" - Little Fears

Hardback (30 Nov 2021) | Central Khmer

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Publisher's Synopsis

"Little Fears" is a book series about the various concerns that children can have. Sometimes, minor harms may grow into big worries if they are ignored. Fortunately, there are fun ways and gentle tools to handle such situations, often through play.

"Terrific Teeth" is a book about losing baby teeth.Is Emma about to start losing her baby teeth? What if they won't come out-will horrible crocodile teeth grow inside her mouth, as her brother says? Luckily, Dad has some ideas in mind to help her.

Help! Emma's first baby tooth is loose. "I want to keep this tooth. It's just fine!" Emma insists.But Emma's brother is scaring her, telling her those horrible crocodile teeth will grow inside her mouth if she keeps all her baby teeth. Luckily, Dad has some ideas to help, and in the end, she gets to have a tooth party.


ជួយផង! ធ្មេញទឹកដោះដំបូងរបស់អេមម៉ារលុង។ "ខ្ញុំចង់រក្សាធ្មេញនេះ។ វាមិនអីទេ!" អេមម៉ាទទូច។

ប៉ុន្តែបងប្រុសរបស់អេមម៉ាកំពុងបំភ័យនាង ដោយប្រាប់នាងថាធ្មេញ​ក្រពើ​ដ៏អាក្រក់ក្រៃលែងនឹងដុះនៅក្នុងមាត់របស់នាង ប្រសិនបើនាងរក្សាធ្មេញទឹកដោះទាំងអស់។ សំណាងល្អដែរប៉ាមានគំនិតខ្លះដើម្បីជួយ ហើយនៅទីបញ្ចប់នាងបានរៀបចំពិធីជប់លៀងធ្មេញ។

Book information

ISBN: 9789523576247
Publisher: Wickwick Ltd
Imprint: Wickwick Ltd
Pub date:
Language: Central Khmer
Number of pages: 34
Weight: 313g
Height: 216mm
Width: 216mm
Spine width: 6mm