Publisher's Synopsis
This book constitutes the second in a series of Training Mission sets. No one in history has ever amassed such a comprehensive encyclopedia on this collective body of hand, stick, knife and gun CQC combatives, all a forged hybrid from military, police, martial arts and medical, historical and psychological disciplines. Every citizen, martial artist, soldier, guard and cop must study Hock's courses and own these books. With all his experience, research, his books, tapes and DVDs, Hock has become an institution. Here you will find vital tactics, drills, scenarios, strategies and psychology on: . The CQC Group Review . Unarmed Combatives The Palm Strike The Stomp Kick Module The Palm/Inside-Arm Contact and Strike The Circular Takedowns . SDMS Impact Weapon Combatives The SMS Module . Knife/Counter-Knife Combatives The Saber Slash Assault Module . Gun/Counter-Gun Combatives Walking Point - The Search Module . CQC Group Level 2 Test Requirements