Tiny Campsites

Tiny Campsites 80 Perfect Little Places to Pitch

3rd edition

Paperback (01 Apr 2017)

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Publisher's Synopsis

A handpicked selection of Britain's loveliest little campsites, all under an acre. BBC Countryfile Magazine praised Dixe Wills for writing "intelligently and amusingly, with evident excitement and imagination," qualities that he brings to Tiny Campsites. Here he presents 80 of the loveliest and most diminutive places to camp in Britain, many of which are known only to locals. These stunning little places to pitch are found on farms, in woods, on clifftops, and in beautiful back gardens; they may be under the boughs of an apple tree in a private orchard or on the banks of a river. Each entry features a quick-reference guide to facilities, pubs that serve food, shops where you can stock up on provisions, and local attractions, and there's a useful Ordnance Survey map to guide you in.

About the Publisher

AA Publishing

The AA was founded in 1905 as a body initially intended to help motorists avoid police speed traps. As motoring became more popular, so did we, and our activities have continued to expand into a great variety of areas. In 1910 we published the very first AA routes with handwritten details, and by 1929 we were issuing an impressive 239,000 routes a year. Since the 1990's we have dramatically expanded our publishing activities producing top notch atlases, maps and travel guides for the UK and the rest of the world. We've also produced many excellent walking, cycle, leisure and best selling lifestyle guides, driving books, kits and car accessories. No wonder AA Publishing is the UK's biggest travel publisher and one of the top ten worldwide.

Book information

ISBN: 9780749578480
Publisher: AA Publishing
Imprint: AA Publishing
Pub date:
Edition: 3rd edition
DEWEY: 941.1068862
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Number of pages: 208
Weight: 418g
Height: 154mm
Width: 210mm
Spine width: 15mm