The Warlock of Firetop Mountain Colouring Book

The Warlock of Firetop Mountain Colouring Book - The Official Fighting Fantasy Colouring Books

Paperback (01 Jun 2016)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Fighting Fantasy gamebooks have sold over 17 million books worldwide, in over 30 languages. YOU were the hero in The Warlock of Firetop Mountain, fighting monsters and foes with a pencil, two dice and an eraser. And now -
Bring your favourite trolls, dragons and even the Warlock himself to life, colouring the original emotive illustrations by artist
Russ Nicholson.

Book information

ISBN: 9781911390039
Publisher: Snowbooks
Imprint: Snowbooks
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 74
Weight: 228g
Height: 212mm
Width: 297mm
Spine width: 12mm