Publisher's Synopsis

Written in the late 1800's, it is still easy enough to read if you have a decent vocabulary.

What is so interesting is that it isn't just about Freemasonry symbolism, but traces the symbolism back even further to some societies and shows how it could have evolved through history.



I Preliminary

II The Noachidae

III The Primitive Freemasonry of Antiquity

IV The Spurious Freemasonry of Antiquity

V The Ancient Mysteries

VI The Dionysiac Artificers

VII The Union of Speculative and Operative Masonry at the Temple of Solomon

VIII The Travelling Freemasons of the Middle Ages

IX Disseverance of the Operative Element

X The System of Symbolic Instruction

XI The Speculative Science and the Operative Art

XII The Symbolism of Solomon's Temple

XIII The Form of the Lodge

XIV The Officers of a Lodge

XV The Point within a Circle

XVI The Covering of the Lodge

XVII Ritualistic Symbolism

XVIII The Rite of Discalceation

XIX The Rite of Investiture

XX The Symbolism of the Gloves

XXI The Rite of Circumambulation

XXII The Rite of Intrusting, and the Symbolism of Light

XXIII Symbolism of the Corner-stone

XXIV The Ineffable Name

XXV The Legends of Freemasonry

XXVI The Legend of the Winding Stairs

XXVII The Legend of the Third Degree

XXVIII The Sprig of Acacia

XXIX The Symbolism of Labor

XXX The Stone of Foundation

XXXI The Lost Word

Synoptical Index

Book information

ISBN: 9781644396452
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 244
Weight: 299g
Height: 229mm
Width: 152mm
Spine width: 15mm