The Storyteller

The Storyteller Tales Out of Loneliness

First edition

Paperback (27 May 2016)

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Publisher's Synopsis

The Storyteller gathers for the first time the fiction of the legendary critic and philosopher Walter Benjamin, best known for his groundbreaking studies of culture and literature, including Illuminations, One-Way Street and The Arcades Project. His stories revel in the erotic tensions of city life, cross the threshold between rational and hallucinatory realms, celebrate the importance of games, and delve into the peculiar relationship between gambling and fortune-telling, and explore the themes that defined Benjamin. The novellas, fables, histories, aphorisms, parables and riddles in this collection are brought to life by the playful imagery of the modernist artist and Bauhaus figure Paul Klee.

About the Publisher



Verso Books is the largest independent, radical publishing house in the English-speaking world, publishing one hundred books a year.

Book information

ISBN: 9781784783044
Publisher: Verso
Imprint: Verso
Pub date:
Edition: First edition
DEWEY: 833.912
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Number of pages: 240
Weight: 304g
Height: 142mm
Width: 210mm
Spine width: 19mm