The Mystery of the Sea: a mystery novel by Bram Stoker, was originally published in 1902. Stoker is best known for his 1897 novel Dracula, but The Mystery of the Sea contains many of the same compelling elements.

The Mystery of the Sea: a mystery novel by Bram Stoker, was originally published in 1902. Stoker is best known for his 1897 novel Dracula, but The Mystery of the Sea contains many of the same compelling elements.

Paperback (27 Nov 2020)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Book information

ISBN: 9782382747087
Publisher: Les Prairies Numeriques
Imprint: Les Prairies Numeriques
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 270
Weight: 370g
Height: 147mm
Width: 209mm
Spine width: 21mm