Publisher's Synopsis

"I am disposed to regard as my duty to a faithful friend, as well as to the great community of which Mr. Tilden had been for full half a century a devoted servant and benefactor. "His public life spanned a larger portion of the history of our Republic than that of any other eminent American statesman, and he occupied the unique position in our history of being the only one selected by the nation for its chief magistracy, who was never clothed with its responsibilities. "Mr. Tilden's place among the foremost and wisest statesmen of our country will be cheerfully recognized. If, however, I owe to his memory, as I suppose I do, any further duty as a friend and patriot, it is a duty which my increasing years admonish me must not be deferred." ...John Bigelow, Author

Book information

ISBN: 9780978669812
Publisher: Show Biz East Prod
Imprint: Show Biz East Prod
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 444
Weight: 781g
Height: 234mm
Width: 156mm
Spine width: 25mm