The House Witch

The House Witch Your Complete Guide to Creating a Magical Space With Rituals and Spells for Hearth and Home - House Witchcraft, Magic, & Spells Series

First Adams Media hardcover edition

Hardback (13 Dec 2018)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Everything you need to know to create your very own sacred space-perfect for practicing home-based witchcraft including spells, rituals, herbalism, and more-from the author of The Green Witch and Spellcrafting.

Your home is an important part of who you are-it makes sense to tie your practice of witchcraft closely to the place where you build your life. In The House Witch, you'll discover everything you need to live, work, and practice in your own magical space. Follow expert Arin Murphy-Hiscock on a journey to building and fortifying a sacred space in your own home, with essential information on how to:

-Create magical cookbooks of recipes, spells, and charms
-Prepare food that nourishes body and soul
-Perform rituals that protect and purify hearth and home
-Master the secrets of the cauldron and the sacred flame
-Call upon the kitchen gods and goddesses.
-Produce hearth-based arts and crafts.
…and much more!

Learn how easy it is to transform your home into a magical place that enhances your practice and nurtures your spirit!

Book information

ISBN: 9781507209462
Publisher: Adams Media
Imprint: Adams Media
Pub date:
Edition: First Adams Media hardcover edition
DEWEY: 133.43
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Number of pages: 256
Weight: 332g
Height: 197mm
Width: 144mm
Spine width: 23mm