Publisher's Synopsis

From the beloved author of Treasure Island Originally serialized in a periodical of boys' adventure fiction, The Black Arrow is a swashbuckling portrait of a young man's journey to discover the heroism within himself. Young Dick Shelton, caught in the midst of England's War of the Roses, finds his loyalties torn between the guardian who will ultimately betray him and the leader of a secret fellowship, The Black Arrow. As Shelton is drawn deeper into this conspiracy, he must distinguish friend from foe and confront war, shipwreck, revenge, murder, and forbidden love, as England's crown threatens to topple around him.

Book information

ISBN: 9781604507331
Publisher: Serenity Publishers, LLC
Imprint: Serenity Publishers, LLC
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 186
Weight: 278g
Height: 158mm
Width: 234mm
Spine width: 15mm